RTU Name:
Enter the RTU Name, this name is also the prefix of the .csv log file name.
If your RTU Name is for example DemoBoard the csv log files will be like:
Internet Connection:
Enter the connection port used for internet. You can use only the Ethernet, only the
GPRS or the Ethernet with backup on GPRS.
Enable E-MAIL Notification:
If checked send log notifications and alert notifications to one or more e-mails.
Enable FTP Upload to Server:
If checked send log notifications to the FTP server “Upload Folder”.
Enable FTP Download from Server:
If checked enable the RTU Firmware and Configuration remote upload
capability from the FTP server “Download Folder”.
Enable HTTP post:
If checked send the log notifications and alert notifications to an HTTP server with a
standard JSON format (available only with a GPRS connection).
You can connect an IP camera to the RTU for video or photo acquisition.
You must use a camera with a digital input for take a snapshot and an FTP client for write to the RTU FTP