Those caused by force majeure and acts of nature.
Damages caused by any use other than correct use described in the user manual.
Damage caused by improper installa�on, adjustment or was installed in seal up
Damage caused by shipment other than arranged by SensaSound.
Bought, repaired, modified or use of parts that are not made or authorized by
If the serial number has been altered, defaced or removed.
For deteriora�on of component parts, the nature of which is to become worn or depleted
with use.
SENSASOUND USA LLC TPO-5300 User’s Manual 14
We promise that all SensaSound amplifiers are elaborately designed and manufactured with
the most strict quality requirements. Under normal use we warranty them free from defects
in materials and workmanship for 1 year from the original purchase date.
If any defects in materials and workmanship occur within the limited warranty period, you
can get immediate help from the following ways:
Contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product
Or you can send an email to
However, a�er the warranty period, you will be responsible for the charges incurred from
spare parts, labor service and shipments, etc.
No ma�er which way you choose to obtain the service, we need the informa�on of model,
serial number, original purchase date and detailed problem descrip�on from you. Once we
have confirmed that any parts need to be repaired or replaced, it is required that you carry or
send your products to the SensaSound dealer where you bought them. Please note, that we
also need your warranty card and purchase proof, so keep them in a secured place a�er your
purchasing of SensaSound products.
Please do not entrust any repair work to unauthorized person or party. Only the authorized
SensaSound dealers and distributors can provide the original components necessary for
servicing the products. We do not warranty any service to any modified parts that are not
from authorized ways.
Warranty does not include (but are not necessarily limited to) :
If the repairs are covered by the warranty, you need to pay for the charge incurred from
sending the product to the maintenance point, and SensaSound will pay for the return
shipping charge. We provide all support and guidance to make sure the process moves
Shipping charge: