Processor calibration
FlexZone Product Guide
Page 77
Detection parameter setup
The FlexZone detection parameters are setup independently for each cable side. The Side A Cfig
tab settings apply only to the A side sensor cable and the Side B Cfig tab settings apply only to the
B side sensor cable. FlexZone detection parameters include the cable Threshold, the segment
Threshold, the Event Window, the Event Count and the Alarm Window.
Each FlexZone installation includes many site-specific factors, therefore, each FlexZone
processor must be calibrated to meet the site’s detection requirements. You can adjust the cable
Threshold to increase or decrease the detection sensitivity for the full length of detecting cable.
You can adjust the segment Threshold to increase or decrease the detection sensitivity of a
defined cable segment. You can specify the number of Events required to trigger an alarm, and
the period of time that must lapse before a subsequent Event will be recorded at the same
location. You can also specify the period of time in which a subsequent Event must occur.
Defining a zone
When the profile is completed and updated, the sensor cable will have a single segment which is
not assigned to a zone (Zone 0). Begin by assigning Segment 1 to Zone 1.
Setting the cable Threshold
Before recording a sensor plot to locate and identify the cable segments and zones, set the full
length cable Threshold. Use the arrows beside the Cable Settings chart to lower, or raise the
Threshold. A good starting point is to set the Threshold at 6 dB below the recorded Profile.
Figure 85: Detection parameter setup
You can also adjust the Threshold by left-clicking in the window and
using the up and down arrows on the keyboard, or the mouse wheel.
Event Window setting
Event Count setting
Alarm Window setting
cable Threshold adjustment arrows
recorded Profile (gray line)
Threshold set to 6 dB below profile (red line)
(period that must lapse before a subsequent
Event is counted)
(number of Events that will cause an alarm)
(period in which a subsequent
Event must occur)