Step 6: Configuring a Multi-EMC System
Doc 6001536, Rev C
Step 6: Configuring a Multi-EMC System
Communicating with Multiple EMCs (via RS-485)
Once the PC host is connected to one EMC, perform the following steps for each additional unit:
Connect each EMC by wiring from P8 from the first EMC board to P7 in the next EMC board. This
format can be repeated in up to 32 total units.
The total cable length from the PC to the last
EMC in the system must not exceed 4000 feet.
Move the W2 jumper to TOUT for all units except the last one.
Last Unit:
W2 jumper in TIN position.
All Other Units:
WS jumper in TOUT position.
Figure 25: Communicating with Multiple EMCs (via RS-485)