Parameterization of the drive safety functions
CS..A Safety Card
Parameter setting
Set the parameterization according to your safety-related requirements of your ap-
For parameterization of the MOVISAFE
CS..A safety card, call the individual sec-
tions in the parameter tree and enter the required values. The higher-level para-
meters, such as IO error effects, fieldbus connection, encoder activation, and limit
speeds of the motor are set in the "General parameters" area. The parameteriza-
tion of the sensors and actuators are set in the "F-DI" and "F-DO" areas. After that,
in the "Function assignment" area, the parameters of the drive safety functions are
set and assigned to the parameterized inputs/outputs.
The "Assist CS.." parameterization tool creates a parameter set from all of the
Transferring the parameter set to the device
Click the [Download] button to transfer the parameter set to the MOVISAFE
safety card.
After the download, the transferred parameter set is checked for consistency and
plausibility. Possibly existing inconsistencies or plausibility errors are displayed
and can then be corrected.
Once the parameter set has been transferred to the MOVISAFE
CS..A safety card
without any errors, you can start up the standard functions and, if required, make the
connection to the higher-level safety controller (F-PLC).
Encoder error muting
The active function "Encoder error muting" deactivates the encoder-dependent drive
safety functions (except STO). This can cause immediate start-up of the system.
Severe or fatal injuries.
Before activation of the "Encoder error muting" function, the user must undertake
organizational measures for the protection of personnel and machinery.
The active function "Encoder error muting" is signaled on the LED F-ERR by rapid yel-
low flashing. The "Encoder error muting" function has the following effects:
The opening of the internal output F-DO_STO is suppressed due to the encoder
error response.
The error responses of all drive safety functions are suppressed.
The safe process data bit
is set.
The safe process data bit
remains set.
The error code continues to be displayed.
Activation of the drive safety function STO continues to be possible without restric-
tion. All other drive safety functions become deactivated.
The "Encoder error muting" function is automatically exited in the following cases:
Another error is detected.
An error is acknowledged.
5 minutes after activation.
If the "Encoder error muting" function has been automatically deactivated, all sources
must first cancel the activation before another activation.
24842532/EN – 04/2018