31.. – FRS 31
Explanation of the parameters
to set up the slave
P 55
Synchronous operation indications
(with FRS 31 option package only)
Note on P 550, P 551 and P 554:
The numerical values for positional tolerance (P 554), alert signal (P 550) and lag error (P 551)
must be entered in ascending order of significance, i.e.:
Position tolerance
FRS alert signal
FRS lag error
P 550
FRS alert signal
Value range = 50...99.999.999
An alert signal is issued if the angular offset exceeds the value entered here, irrespective of the
mode of operation of the slave drive.
This signal can be used, for example, as a position signal and can be programmed as a signal
• on one of the three binary outputs, terminals 62/63/64 (P 611/612/613)
P 551
FRS lag error
Value range = 100...4000...99.999.999
A lag error message is issued if the angular offset exceeds the value entered here, irrespective of
whether the slave is in synchronous or free-running mode.
This error message can be programmed as a signal output
• on one of the three binary outputs, terminals 62/63/64 (P 611/612/613).
In addition to this 0/1 signal, the response of the inverter can also be programmed (P 553).
The signals are active when low. In modes 3, 5 and 8 the point of synchronization will already be
the new cutting position when the free-running terminal is actuated. The “FRS alert signal” and
“FRS lag error” messages therefore already apply to this point, so can be used for time-optimized
positioning of the saws in a “Flying Saws” application. In modes 6 and 7, the synchronization
point, after activating an offset terminal, resides in the new angular position. The messages “FRS
pre-warning” and “FRS lag error” refer to the new position.
P 552
Hold time
Value range = 1...99 sec.
During the transition from free-running to synchronous operation or the offset mode the fault
response (P 553) can be suppressed for a specified time (except 0/1 signal).
P 553
Fault response
0/1 signal, coast, stop, rapid stop
Response of drive:
a) 0/1 signal
“0” signal on binary output (if programmed via P 610-613).
Drive continues to run
b) Coast
“Lag error” message; Drive coasts to rest, output on terminal 61 “brake” stays
c) Stop
“Lag error” message. Drive stops with ramp generator t11/12, output on
terminal 61 “brake” goes low
d) Rapid
“Lag error” message. Drive stops with ramp generator t13, output on
terminal 61 stop “brake” goes low
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