7 Appendix
Terminology and general abbreviations
Attachment point
Point at which the logger is attached
to the pipe or fitting i.e. where it
makes physical contact with the wa-
ter pipe network
Background noise
Unwanted electromagnetic radiation
from various sources (e.g. street
Character set
● Specifies the character type (upper
case, lower case, numbers) for en-
tering text
Daylight Saving Time
Adjusts the time on the last Sun-
day in March (time moved forward
by 1 hour; Summer Time) and the
last Sunday in October (time moved
back by 1 hour; Winter Time)
Applies to all member countries of
the European Union
Extended data set
Can be read out during a patrol in
addition to the measurement results
Provides further information about
the measurement (e.g. graphics)
Term used to refer to software in elec-
tronic devices (e.g. logger,
to distinguish it from PC software
Chart of the noise level of a meas-
urement plotted against time
Hist. graph
Chart of the history of a logger
Shows a chart of minimum noise
levels for all saved measurements
Contains all measurement results
read out from each logger: time of
reading, minimum noise level, width,
characterising frequency, graphics (if
read out)
Can be displayed as a chart
(Hist. graph)