BTP-R980 User’s Manual
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2) Confirm that the power LED is off and the printer is under power off condition.
3) Press down the FEED button while turning on the printer power, the printer will print out
configuration information and prompt characters “Press and Release FEED key to print characters”
and “Press and Hold FEED key to config the printer”. Then printer enters pause and waiting status,
and the PAPER LED is flashing;
4) Press down the FEED button momentarily, the printer will print a character test page, and the
printing of self-test page is complete. Press down the FEED button for a long time, the printer will
enter button configuration mode; detail function and operation method of button configuration mode
please refer to: Appendix A-Firmware Button Configuration Table.
4.10 Hexadecimal dumping function
This function prints the data transmitted from the host computer in hexadecimal numbers and in their
corresponding ASCII characters.
Print sample in Hexadecimal Dump mode:
Running hexadecimal dumping
1) Start hexadecimal dumping by executing either of the following:
a. Open the top cover, turn the power on while pressing the feed button until the printer alarms
(LED flashes, buzzer beeps), and then close the top cover, then the printer will enter
hexadecimal dump mode. Please wait for the printer alarm after turning on the power,
otherwise the printer will not enter hexadecimal dump mode.
b. Execute the GS ( A command.
2) The printer first prints "Hexadecimal Dump To terminate …..", and then prints the received print
data in hexadecimal numbers and in their corresponding characters.
3) After printing has been finished, hexadecimal dumping ends by executing any of the following:
a. Turn the power off, and restart the power of printer.
b. Press the feed button three times.
If no characters correspond to the data received, the printer prints "."
During hexadecimal dumping, any commands other than DLE EOT, DLE ENQ, or DLE DC4 do not
Insufficient print data to fill the last line can be printed by pressing down the feed button.