User Name
Enter the account name for LDAP setting.
Enter the password.
Change Password
To change the password, set
Authentication Type
Select the authentication server from the drop-down list.
KDC Server
Enter the IP address or host name of the Kerberos authentication server.
Enter the Kerberos realm.
Allow selection on operation panel.
Specify whether or not enable the global address to be selected on the operation panel of the machine.
Authenticate a User in Global Address Search
Select whether or not authenticate a user when a global address is searched for.
Enable SSL
is set, the SSL encryption communication is enabled.
Connection Test
Tap the [Execute] button to test the connection to the LDAP server.
Public Folder / NAS Setting
Set each option to [Prohibited] if the storage is not used.
Network Name Setting
Device Name
Enter a device name.
Domain Name
Enter the domain name.
Enter a comment.
When settings are changed, the changes will take effect after the machine is restarted. To restart the machine, see