D isable Fax Broadcasting
Disables the facsimile broadcasting.
D isable Scan Function
Specify this to disable remote PC scanning.
Settings to Disable Reg istrat ion
D isable Regist er ing D estinat ion from Operation Panel
Disables address control from the machine.
Configure the setting for each of the following items:
Group (Direct Entry)
Group (Address Book)
Select A ll: Selects all items.
Clear Checked: Clears all selections.
D isable Regist er ing D estinat ion on W eb Page
Disables to store the destination from Setting mode (Web version).
Configure the setting for each of the following items:
Group (Direct Entry)
Group (Address Book)
Select A ll: Selects all items.
Clear Checked: Clears all selections.
D isabli ng of Regist ration/Deletion of Pro gram
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