Chapter 5: SLIDE SHOW Feature
3. Move the cursor to select
2 Y = AX
and press
The graph and X-Y table of Y1 = 2X
1 are displayed on the first
The two-digit number on the upper right corner of the display
shows the current screen number.
4. Press
to proceed to the next
The graph and X-Y table of Y2 = 2X
are displayed.
The coordinate (1, 2) is marked and
the corresponding row of the X-Y table is highlighted.
5. Press
The above two graphs are displayed
simultaneously, and the Y value
column of the table is changed to
show the Y1 - Y2 values, where you
can find the relationship between Y1
and Y2 is totally constant (Y1 -Y2 = 1).
6. Press
to proceed the slide show.
If you wish to display the previous screen, press
is not effective on the first screen and
is not
effective on the last screen.
The number of screens are different among the built-in slide
For example, as the slide show “Y = AX
B” is consist of 8
is not effective on the 8th screen.
7. Press
to exit the Slide Show feature and return
to the calculation screen.