Chapter 4: Graphing Features
G TYPE This menu is only active when the sequence coordinate graph
mode is selected in the SETUP menu. The
G TYPE menu will not
appear in the other modes.
1 Web
A web graph plot mode where x = u(n
1) and y = u(n).
2 Time
Time graph plot mode where x = n and y = u(n), v(n),
w(n). (default)
3 uv
A uv mode where x = u(n) and y = v(n).
4 uw
A uw mode where x = u(n) and y = w(n).
5 vw
A vw mode where x = v(n) and y = w(n).
Note: u(n), v(n) and w(n) indicate the n-th term of the se-