10 - 5
Optical character recognition
Choose the Area Selection Tool
Position the cursor at one corner of the area you want to con-
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor until the
flexible box encloses the area you want to convert.
Release the mouse button.
The selected area of the currently displayed image may be converted
to text. The converted text can then be copied to the Windows
Clipboard, or saved as a formatted file.
Note: If you make a mistake, you can change the size and
position of the defined area as described in the Viewing
Documents chapter.
Copying the OCR Results to the Clipboard
You can convert a selected area of the image to text and then copy
it to the Windows Clipboard. The text can then be pasted into other
Windows applications as text. The following steps will enable you to
copy the OCR results to the Clipboard:
Define the area you want to convert to text as describe earlier.
From the Tools menu select, OCR to Clipboard.
If the Review Results option has been selected (as described
earlier), the Clipboard Viewer with the OCR results will be
Edit the results as desired.
Select File then Update Clipboard to update the clipboard
with the edited results. Select File then Exit to close the
Clipboard Editor.