10 Rainwater has a low level of water hardness. It is beneficial to use it because a
build up of deposits is avoided.
11 This prevents mechanical tension in the glass and ensures the module a longer
service life.
12 Ethanol contains denaturants. Some denaturants can leave streaks behind or
damage an anti-reflex layer.
More frequent cleaning
• In environments subject to heavy soiling, we re-
commend making the intervals for inspections and
cleaning shorter than just once a year.
• For example, this applies to environments with a
high exposure to dust, especially close to:
• Large livestock farms
• Grain reloading stations
• Green areas with heavy foliage, seeds or pollen
• Factories with high levels of dust emission.
It is recommended to contract a specialised company
to clean your photovoltaic generator properly without
treading on the modules, if frequent cleaning is neces-
PV Modules
For repairing PV modules, only use contract techni-
cians who have been authorised by SHARP to avoid
loss of warranty. A defective PV module can cause
loss of output, as well as consequential damage. If a
PV module needs repairing, first get in touch with
SHARP (see Ch. 10
.2: „Contact“). Never, under any
circumstances, repair a PV module by yourself.
Improper repairs can cause damage which may have
repercussions years later, such as failure of electrical
insulation. This could be fatal. Therefore, report any
necessary repairs immediately. Before you carry out
any maintenance work on PV modules, deactivate the
module string or the whole generator if necessary.
Observe the warnings and notes in Ch. 3.2.1:
chanical safety precautions“ and Ch. 3.2.2: „Electrical
safety precautions“.
System parts
For repairing other system parts (e.g. substructure,
connection boxes), contract authorised technicians to
do the work.
9 For operators: decommissioning
Safety precautions
Make sure you refer to the notes in Ch. 3.2.1:
safety precautions“. If you would like to continue
using the PV module, also refer to Ch. 4
.1: „Handling
• Dispose of the PV modules at the end of their
service life in the proper manner.
• To do this, contact a disposal company.
• Never dispose PV modules with household waste.
Further Information
Further information are available at
SHARP’s website
Sharp Energy Solutions Europe
A Division of Sharp Electronics GmbH
Nagelsweg 33 - 35
20097 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0)40 / 23 76-24 36
Fax +49 (0)40 / 23 76-15 24 36
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right. All rights reserved. Copying, reproduc-
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