background image

Refreshing the battery

Charging (preparation)


When you first use the washer, or use it after an extended period of non-use, 

the battery may deplete quickly even after charging or not charge properly. In 

this event, refresh the battery as explained below.

  Do not remove the cap when performing these steps.

(1) Charge until fully charged.

(3) When the power light blinks orange, charge the battery and use it.


The washer cannot be used while it is charging.

  If you press the power button with the power supply connected after charging 

finishes, the washer will not operate. (The light will blink orange 5 times to 

notify you.)

  Do not use irregular/non-standard AC adapter which does not satisfy the 

output voltage of 5V and the output current of 0.5A or higher.

How to use the washer (for pre-treatment to remove stain)


What type of material 

can the washer be 

used on?

 The washer can be used on suitable, 

wearable clothing items. Do not use on items 

which may be damaged by water. Test on an 

inconspicuous area before use. Refer to 

“About this Product” for more information.

What kind of dirt does 

the washer remove?

 The washer removes various types of dirt. 

Refer to “About this Product” for more 


 This depends on conditions such as the type 

and size of dirt. A small soiled area can be 

cleaned in under a minute.

 Do not press hard on the tip (horn). This will 

impair cleaning ability, and may cause 

washer failure or damage the garment.

Can the battery be 


 No, the battery cannot be replaced.

Is the washer 


 No, the washer is not waterproof. 

Submersing the washer in water may cause 


Can the washer be used 

to give an electric facial?

 Never use the washer to give an electric 

facial. The frequency of the washer is 

different from the frequency used for electric 

facials. Risk of an accident and injury.

Can I use the washer 

if I have a pacemaker?

 Never use the washer if you have a 

pacemaker. The vibration of the horn may 

affect the pacemaker. 

Can I order a puff?

 Please purchase a similar product that is sold 


This is the vibrating sound 

of the ultrasonic washer.

The washer makes a strange sound

 It is normal for the washer to make this 


The vibration of the ultrasonic 

washer causes mist to form.

A smoke-like mist appears while the washer is in operation

 This is normal and is not a problem.


The washer and horn may become abnormally 

hot if cleaning is performed without water or 

the power is turned on without using the 

washer for a long period of time. 

In such a 

case, operation will stop automatically for 

safety reasons. Turn off the power, wait for 

approximately 30 minutes and then use the 

washer after the temperature has dropped. 

(Do not touch the horn)

Did you perform 

cleaning without using 


How much time is 

required to clean?

Cautionary points during 


 The indication light should be on.

  Carefully test the horn on the moistened 

puff provided. You should notice bubbling 

water / fine mist if the product is working.

How do I know if my 

product is working?

The battery does not charge

 Plug the AC adapter into the power outlet.

  Use an adapter with an output of 5V / 0.5A 

or higher.

 The USB hub (or adapter) may not have 

sufficient output.

  Use a hub with an output of 5V / 0.5A or higher.

 Connect the USB cable to the AC adapter.

  Use an adapter with an output of 5V / 0.5A 

or higher.

Is the AC adapter 

plugged into the power 


Is the USB cable 

connected to the AC 

Are you using a 

commercially available 

USB hub or AC adapter?








Hold the power button

for 1 second to turn on

the unit.

  A USB charger (AC adapter) is not included with the product.

  Prepare the charger with an output of 5V     0.5A or higher to charge the 

battery before using the washer.

  A computer or a mobile battery with USB terminal can be also used to 

charge the washer by connecting it via the USB cable.

It may take several minutes to complete refreshing.

The washer does not operate

 Charge the battery.

  If the light blinks orange, the battery is not 

charged sufficiently to operate the washer.

 Hold down the power button for at least 

1 second.

  To prevent malfunctioning, the power does 

not turn on immediately.

 Disconnect the USB cable.

  The washer will not operate when the USB 

cable is connected.

You pressed the horn 

tip hard on a hard object.

The washer fell on the 


The horn tip is damaged.

 Stop using the washer as the horn may 

damage the garment.

  We recommend taking the product to your 

nearest authorised service centre.

The washer stops immediately / too soon

 Charge the battery several times in succession.

  See “Refreshing the battery”.

 Press the power button again.

  The off-timer is a safety device that 

prevents the power from being accidentally 

left on.

 The recommended ambient operating 

temperature is 5 to 40°C.

  When the ambient temperature is too high 

or too low, the operation time may become 


 Charge the battery.

  If the light blinks orange after pressing the 

power button, then the battery is not 

charged sufficiently to operate the washer. 

At least 5 hours are required to fully charge 

the battery.

Check the type of 

fabric and type of dirt.

 Some types of fabric and some types of dirt 

may not be cleanable.

  Read and understand “About this Product” 

before using the washer.

Are you pressing 

the tip (horn) too hard?

 Clean using only enough force to gently trace 

over the part.

  Pressing too hard may make it more 

difficult to remove dirt.

Are you using the 

washer incorrectly?

 Use the washer correctly.

  Read and understand “How to use the 

washer (for pre-treatment to remove stain)” 

before using the washer.

The horn tip is rough

 In some conditions of use, friction may cause 

the horn to become rough. This is not a 

problem and you can continue using the 


Is the battery charged?

Is the USB cable 


Did you immediately 

release the power button? 

Is the battery sufficiently 


Did the off-timer activate?

Has the washer been 

unused for a long time?

Is the ambient 

temperature too high?

Is there enough water?

Dirt is not removed

 Clean the soiled part after soaking it in water.

  Read and understand “How to use the 

washer (for pre-treatment to remove stain)” 

before using the washer.

The horn tip to become 

slightly rough because of 

its nature.

(Lights orange)

(Automatically turns off 

when charging finishes)

Up to about

5 hours

AC adapter

(adapter with an output of 

at least 5V / 0.5A)

USB cable

(Blinks white                                        )

Press the power button up to 5 seconds.

Using a Puff

, such as when you are not at home

Fill a tub with water and place the dirty item in the water.

Remove from the tub* and lay on a flat surface.

*Make sure that the item is wet enough.

Turn off the power.

Press the power button.

Turn on the power.


Clean the dirty part.




(Turns off)

(Lights white)




Turn over

Place puff case on soiled part 

(dirty surface should 

contact puff)

 For easier cleaning, use a 

liquid detergent.

 The power will 

automatically turn off 

about 3 minutes after you 

turn it on (off-timer). Press 

the power button again to 


 When needed, wash/rinse 

the pretreated clothing in 

the washing machine or 


Add water until puff 

is soaked




 When the amount of water is too little or 

too much, it may become more difficult to 

remove dirt.

Slowly and gently trace over 

the surface


should be 






Water is required to use the ultrasonic washer. Cleaning without using 

water or allowing the washer to idle may damage the garment or washer.

(The horn will become abnormally hot causing the power to turn off 

automatically for safety reasons.)
