FreeScan UE Pro_ User Manual _V1.2.2 41
3-2-1 Movement menu
Select a Plane in the drop-down menu, match it to the first axis in the Method drop-down. The arrows on
the corners of the plane represent the plane positive direction. The normal vector of the plane will match the
axis direction.
Select a Line in the drop-down menu, match it to the first axis in the Method drop-down. Beware the
direction of the line to match it to the + or - axis. The projection of the line to the first plane will be parallel to the
corresponding axis.
Select a Point in the drop-down menu. The data will be translated to match the point with the origin
point (coordinate 0,0,0).
to perform the transformation.
Data after 3-2-1 movement
to cancel.
to confirm the transformation.
3.6.3 Measure
measurement button to display the menu, click again to close the menu.
This tool calculates the distance between two points belonging to the surface of the data.
Click on the data to pick the first and second point, select one of the two points to redo it.