1. Introduction
The XPC 802.11b/g Wireless Kit aims to let your XPC quickly and
seamlessly c ommunic ate wit h a 802.11b/g (at up to 54 Mbps)
networks. Wireless networking uses radio frequencies to transmit
and rec eive data between your XPC’s and other network devices.
With this Wireless Kit, surfing on the Internet couldn’t be any easier.
S imply ins tall the US B c onnec tor to the res erve header on
mainboard, launch the attached friendly-interfaced program- Shuttle
Wireless tool to configure the Module, and you will be ready to
ex perienc e a LAN (loc al area network) that c an be ac cess ed
anywhere. You can operate the network in either an independent
mode or an infrastructure mode. The former, which is als o known
as peer-to-peer or ad-hoc network, lets you directly make connec-
tion with other wireless-equipped computers, and the later, the so-
called infrastructure network, allows you to communicate with wired
LAN via an access point. To obtain the complete benefits your XPC
802.11b/g Wireless Kit provides, please read this manual carefully
before using it.
1.1 Features
With XPC 802.11b/g Wireless Kit, you can
exchange data over the air, which minimizes the need for wired
possess the port abilit y and mobility of wireless networking
connectivity wherever you are.
operate Ad-Hoc or Infrastructure modes.
utilize up to 256-bit WEP,WPA encryption.
enjoy high-speed data transfer rate up to 54 Mbps.
employ automatic data rat e switc hing which offers max imum
reliability, throughput and connectivity.
monit or and configure the network via t he supplied friendly-
interfaced application ~
Shuttle Wireless Tool.
Operate a Software Access Point to share your internet
connection with friend family.