ver. 00
User’s manual
pag. 27 di 29
Printed in
e005-di OLIMPO (eng).doc
Siap+Micros S.r.l.
7 Memory card drive (OLM-LMC)
The memory card driver has been made with the same electronic aspects which run the OLIMPO Main Unit
and allows you to read the memory card coming from the peripherical station.
OLM-LMC is connected directly to the serial port of the PC by a inverted cable and with the OLIMPO SW
software you are able to download, validate and record the data collected by the database.
OLM-LMC is coded as peripheral N°.100 but the data transferred is recorded in the database relative to the
number of the station memorized on the Record format.
Refer to the software manual of OLIMPO SW for the running instructions of the station.
1.2 Downloading instructions
Turn off the OLM-LMC
Connect the cable to port RS232 of the PC
Insert the memory card into the OLM-LMC
Turn on the OLM-LMC
Wait for about 10 seconds
Follow the instructions provided by the OLIMPO SW programme
Turn off the OLM-LMC
Extract thee memory card
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