ver. 00
User’s manual
pag. 6 di 29
Printed in
e005-di OLIMPO (eng).doc
Siap+Micros S.r.l.
Clock programming OK
Resetting the memory
To set the clock it is necessary to follow the structure indicated on the display with two numbers for each
field, where :
HH = hour
MM = minutes SS = seconds GG = day
MM = month
AA = year
Between each pair of numbers it is required that you insert a space, the digital values are visualized as
equal. If during the insertion the operator should realise that he has forgotten or mistaken a value he can, by
digit the backspace button (
), can correct the mistaken value. After having completed the insertion of all
fields digit RETURN, if the values digited are correct, on the display the following wording will appear:
Otherwise you will be asked to reinsert the clock layout values.
1.10.2 Resetting the memory to zero
A = Resetting the memory
: Allows you to reset the internal memory data to zero and/or the Memory card.
Digit the button "A" to gain access to the menu and on the display will appear:
Choose from the memory area to reset to zero by digiting the relative number:
0 = internal memory (RAM) and the memory card (ATA) internal memory (RAM) e memory card (ATA)
1 = Internal memory (RAM)
2 = Memory card (ATA)
The digited value will appear after the equal sig, press the RETURN button and the operation will be carried
out . Afterwards the Olimpo Main Unit will carry out the set acquisition cycle. In the case you should not want
to carry out the resetting of the memory simply press the RETURN button.
1.10.3 Configuration of the parameters
C = Configuration
: This function is effective only if activated by the OLIMPO SW interface programme and
allows to change the parameters set out by itself directly from the local keyboard.
1.11 Acquisition cycle
If no characters are digited at the start up the OLIMPO Main Unit will automatically start the acquisition Cycle
for data. Such a cycle will be carried out at the preset intervals generated by the OLIMPO SW configuration.
acquisition and registration intervals
of the various data are normally set by the OLIMPO SW as
Instant Data
every 10 seconds
Average Data
every 30/60 minutes
Minimum and Maximum Data
every 30/60 minutes