The tolerance is allowed to be exceeded for a certain period of time. After that the sys‐
tem switches to a safe state (lock-out). The period of time depends on the vehicle
Figure 59: Tolerances allowed on the dynamic inputs
Speed on input A
Speed on input B
If the vehicle speed is in the range between –10 cm/s and +10 cm/s, then no
shut down occurs, irrespective of how long the deviation between the incremental
encoders is present.
If the vehicle speed is between –30 and –10 cm/s or +10 and +30 cm/s, then
the maximum period of time for which a deviation is tolerated is 60 s.
If the vehicle speed is in the range ≤–30 cm/s or ≥+30 cm/s, then the maximum
period of time for which a deviation is tolerated is 20 s.
If the vehicle speed is in the range ≤–10 cm/s or ≥+10 cm/s, then different direc‐
tions of rotation on the incremental encoders are only tolerated for 0.4 s.
It is possible to switch between the monitoring cases of the safety laser scanner during
operation. The following options are available for doing this:
8010948/ZA21/2020-06-18 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | S300
Subject to change without notice