Exposure time
Once the height of the sensor region is set, there are two other settings that affect the
profile rate of the camera:
Exposure time (
The time (
s) during which the sensor region is exposed.
This controls the duration where the photosensitive cells are
exposed to light.
Timed profile rate (Hz)
The rate at which the profiles in an image are captured (Hz).
Only applicable when the camera is in free-running mode.
Timed profile rate
is defined in the
Profile triggering
The exposure time and the profile rate are inter-dependent. The maximum exposure
time cannot be longer than the time between two profiles, minus about three microsec‐
onds that are needed for readout and reset.
You can see the maximum profile rate possible for the current configuration by clicking
on the
Timed profile rate
field. The maximum profile rate is shown in the information field
at the bottom.
The maximum exposure time and the maximum profile rate are stored as floating-point
values and rounding-off effects may make it impossible to set the exact value returned
by the GUI. The maximum deviation is 0.01
s for the exposure time and 0.01 Hz for
the line rate.
Setting exposure time
2D Image
Look at the 2D image and the laser line and adjust the
Exposure time
until the laser line is imaged as a narrow bright stripe and the background is not
visible, see the figure in the middle below. The laser line should be approximately
4 to 8 pixels wide.
Figure 32: Too short exposure time: Laser line hardly visible.
Figure 33: Normal exposure time: Laser line bright but not saturated. No background
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O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | Ruler3000
Subject to change without notice