List of figures
10. Minimum distance from reflective surfaces............................................................. 19
11. Graph of minimum distance from reflective surfaces............................................. 20
12. Preventing mutual interference from system
13. Trouble-free operation due to reversed direction of transmission of system
14. Dual-channel and isolated connection of OSSD1 and OSSD2................................22
15. No potential difference between load and protective device.................................. 23
16. Schematic representation of operation with restart interlock.................................24
17. Connection diagram for RLY3-OSSD2 with restart interlock and external device
18. Test rod check: Step 1................................................................................................28
19. Test rod check: Step 3................................................................................................28
20. Sender and receiver must not be installed such that they are rotated 180° relative
21. Mounting the QuickFix bracket to a profile............................................................... 34
22. Mounting the FlexFix bracket to a profile frame....................................................... 36
23. Inserting the safety light curtain in the FlexFix brackets......................................... 36
24. Mounting the FlexFix bracket on a device column (accessory)............................... 37
25. Mount the Compact FlexFix bracket on a profile frame...........................................39
26. Inserting the safety light curtain in the Compact FlexFix brackets......................... 39
27. Dual-channel and isolated connection of OSSD1 and OSSD2................................42
28. No potential difference between load and protective device.................................. 42
29. System connection (male connector, M12, 5-pin)................................................... 42
30. QuickFix bracket: adjust vertically............................................................................. 46
31. FlexFix bracket: adjust vertically/rotate.................................................................... 47
32. Compact FlexFix bracket: Rotate............................................................................... 48
33. Dimensional drawing of sender and receiver........................................................... 60
34. Dimensional drawing of the QuickFix bracket.......................................................... 63
35. Dimensional drawing of the FlexFix bracket............................................................. 63
36. Dimensional drawing of the Compact FlexFix bracket............................................. 64
37. Diagram minimum distance to reflective surfaces for devices with a resolution of
38. Mount the weld spark guard...................................................................................... 65
39. Example of use of deflector mirrors.......................................................................... 67
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | deTec2 Core
8014276/1DCM/2022-10-27 | SICK
Subject to change without notice