FLOWSIC600 · Technical Information · 8010125 V 4.0 · © SICK AG
Product Description
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Meter database
MEPAFLOW600 CBM stores all relevant changes to parameters, and all records and
reports generated for the individual meter in a meter database. The meter database can
be accessed from MEPAFLOW600 CBM via the "Connect / Disconnect" page, and then the
"Meter explorer" (see
) or the "Report manager".
The "Meter explorer" allows the import and export of meter database files and sessions
(see below) as well as the creation of database entries for new meters.
Meter data
Data from the meters monitored by MEPAFLOW600 CBM is stored in Meter Data. For each
meter, a meter data set and an entry is created in the meter database. A meter data set
consists of a master data set and an unlimited number of session entries and event
Master data set
The master data set is the set of data that identifies a particular meter in the meter data-
base. This master data set can be created offline, which makes it possible to prepare for
the commissioning of a meter before actually connecting to it.
A session is the period of activity between connecting to and disconnecting from a meter.
Sessions can pertain to online or offline connections. A session is opened upon connection
(online or offline) to a meter. When the connection is closed, the session ends and the user
has the opportunity to write a short description to explain what happened during the ses-
sion. This description is saved in the session entry in the meter database together with the
start and end time stamp of the session as well as the connection type (Direct, Modem,
Ethernet or Offline).
Session entry
To document all relevant changes pertaining to the meters in the meter database, session
entries are written and stored in a table in relation to the meter to which they apply. All ses-
sion entries can be accessed and organized via the "Meter explorer" page. Session entries
can be imported and exported to a session file via the "Meter explorer".
A session entry can contain an unlimited number of event entries and contains at least one
parameter set.
A session entry is saved to the meter database at the end of the session only if
any relevant events (changes or actions) took place during the session.