Operating Instructions
Product description
SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice
1. Echo
of a pane of glass
2. Echo of a raindrop
3. Threshold voltage 1
4. Threshold voltage 2
5. Echo
of an object
Angular resolution and scanning frequency
The LD-MRS can be operated with three different scanning frequencies (12.5 Hz, 25 Hz and
50 Hz), which allow four different settings of the angular resolution.
The operator can configure these parameters.
Angular resolution
Two scan planes each are measured and analysed simultaneously. If an angular resolution
of 0.125° is specified for a certain range, then 0.125° is the angular step between two
scan planes (e. g. red-blue) and their partners (e. g. yellow-green). The angle for the next
measurement on the same plane is twice as high, in this example 0.25°.
Fig. 3-9:
Example of three echoes of a laser pulse
Fig. 3-10:
Angular resolution