Data recorder
Figure 70: Data recorder
You can use the data recorder to record the device’s signals. Depending on the inter‐
face and the load on the interface, the measurement data may not be transmitted and
shown for every scan cycle.
The data is saved in a data recorder diagnostics file.
You can play the data recorder diagnostic file in the data recorder.
You can adjust the settings in the Safety Designer main window.
Table 16: Data recorder
Start recording
Stop recording
Typical applications
Check spatial geometry
Check where a person can stay or when a person is detected
Check why safety outputs have switched
Existing connection between Safety Designer and device
Configuration in the project and configuration in the device are synchronized
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | microScan3 Core I/O AIDA
8017784/1ELL/2022-01-21 | SICK
Subject to change without notice