Subject to change without notice
On the save operation, the text-field above the buttons is suitable for editing a setup name (an
ASCII identifier, 16 characters long) that is accepted an used to identify the setup on the save
The user can confirm to proceed processing the shown identifier by using the ENTER key; the
ESC key has instead to be used to abandon.
On the load operation, the text-field above the buttons is not editable, showing instead the
identifier selected from the list and picked up by double-clicking the left-button of the mouse. As
for the save operation, the ENTER key or the ESC have to used to proceed or abandon the load
Please, note that the double-click over the list is processed to choose an identifier as the current
one, both for save and load operations.
Note besides that the top-most selection (arrow sequence) is suitable for closing the list upon a
single mouse click.