Safety Instructions
Risk of burn due to hot surfaces
During operation the units can have hot surfaces according to their protec-
tion system. In particular this applies to ventilation inlets and outlets.
Never touch device parts during operation apart from operating units.
When using ferrite rings temperatures may exceed 80 °C in some cases.
→ Only use cables that are provided for temperatures over 90 °C. This
corresponds to the flammability rating UL 94V-0, RTI 105 °C. Dies
entspricht der Entflammbarkeitsklasse UL 94V-0, RTI 105 °C.
→ Consider the relevant notes in the manual.
Systems, into which servo amplifiers and frequency converters are mounted, possibly
must be equipped with additional protective devices according to the valid safety instruc-
tions (e.g. law about technical material, rules for prevention of accidents, etc.)
The unit must be checked regularly for cleanness and functionality depending on the
ambient pollution. This applies in particular for installed fans.
Make sure to consider country-specific waste and disposal laws and statutes for the dis-
posal of packing material, used batteries and irreparable devices.
SIEB & MEYERproducts meet the requirements of the following directive:
2011/65/EU (EU-directive RoHS 2 on the restriction of the use of hazardous sub-
stances in electrical and electronic equipment)
SIEB & MEYERproducts do not exceed the limits of the directive 2011/65/EU for haz-
ardous substances.
SIEB & MEYERproducts labeled with the adjacent symbol also meet
the regulations of the following directive:
SJ/T 11364-2014 (China RoHS 2 on the restriction of the use of
hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)
SIEB & MEYERproducts labeled with the symbol above do not exceed the limits of the
directive SJ/T 11364-2014 for hazardous substances.
Legal Warranty
SIEB & MEYER products are liable to a legal warranty of at least one year. Any claims
for the products beyond this warranty shall be declared in an additional contractual
agreement between SIEB & MEYER and the customer.
Claims for damages are excluded:
Drive System SD2M - Hardware Description 036228xxF