6 Maintenance
6 Maintenance
Inspection and Maintenance - General
The circuit-breaker can only function reliably if it is correctly maintained. The purpose of inspection and main-
tenance therefore is:
to determine to what extent certain parts have worn and to assess their state,
to ensure that parts still in good condition are kept in this state,
to replace certain parts in good time,
to ensure corrosion protection.
Inspection and maintenance services are categorized in line with the work involved and designated accordingly.
Non-observance of warnings can result in death, severe personal injury and substantial
property and environmental damage.
6.1.1 Maintenance Services (Schedule)
The inspection and maintenance services scheduled in the Table 13 are each offered separately by Siemens Ltd..
Circuit-breakers which are operated frequently obviously suffer greater wear than circuit-breakers operated only
seldom. The following distinction must be made:
Mechanical wear caused by friction
(mechanical operating cycles)
Arc erosion due to the switching of load currents or fault currents.
The wear reserve is calculated so that in most cases the various inspection and maintenance services can be
performed at fixed intervals. Only if the circuit-breakers are operated particularly frequently might it be necessary
to bring forward the corresponding service, because the permissible number of mechanical operations and/or load
or fault switching operations have already been exceeded (see section 5.1.5
Max. Permissible Number of
6.1.2 Assignment
The inspection and maintenance service may only be carried out by or under the supervision of qualified per-
sonnel. This personnel can be assigned by the customer or the next Siemens office.
Tel.: +91 240 2565 142
Fax: +91 240 2554 701
If requested, the customer's personnel can be trained at the manufacturer's works.
The advantage of calling in Siemens personnel is that the work is carried out in accordance with the latest
information and experience gained with a large number of circuit-breakers. This is then reflected in the circuit-
breaker having a higher reliability standard. Moreover, the fact that they are familiar with the circuit-breaker also
enables Siemens personnel to do the job in less time. In this way service interruptions are kept to a minimum.
Assignment of Siemens personnel also means that tools and measuring instruments etc. that are usually not
worth buying are provided on a hire basis.
"Maintenance kits" required as part of maintenance, as well as consumables (cleaning liquids, lubricants etc., see
section 4.3
Cleaning Liquids, Lubricants and Corrosion Protection Agents)
are also supplied.
6.1.3 Maintenance
Maintenance kits contain various spare parts in the appropriate quantities for the particular service.