6.18 Emergency start
Motor starter (3RK1308‑0**00‑0CP0)
Equipment Manual, 11/2019, A5E34821005002A/RS-AC/003
Emergency start
Emergency start enables restart despite an internal trip command. Emergency start is
possible if there is an ON switching command for the motor. The motor is switched on
despite a pending trip cause. At a limit trip, the motor starts in the opposite direction.
Emergency starting is not possible in the following situations:
When you are using a fail-safe motor starter in ATEX operation
If a device fault is active
If there is no switched/unswitched 24 V DC supply voltage, or if the supply voltage is
outside the specified range.
The blocking protection has responded
If a process image error is active
You can activate the function "Emergency start" as follows:
PIQ 0.4 "Emergency start"
Via the 3DI/LC module
Via manual bus mode
In manual bus mode via DS68
Messages and actions
Table 6- 10 Messages and actions emergency start
Emergency start active Remains pending while emergency start is active, even if the motor is
switched off.