Safety precautions
BenQ Mobile 2006
, \
left page (4)
of AL21a, FCC, am (31.03.2006, 10:39)
sion 2
Language: am;
VAR issu
e date:
Safety precautions
Information for parents
Please read the operating instructions and safety precautions carefully before use.
Explain the content and the hazards associated with using the phone to your children.
Remember to comply with le-
gal requirements and local re-
strictions when using the
phone. For example in
aeroplanes, petrol stations,
hospitals or whilst driving.
Cellular phones can interfere
with the functioning of medi-
cal devices such as hearing
aids or pacemakers. Keep at
least 9 inches (20 cm)
between phone and pace-
maker. Whilst using the mo-
bile phone, hold it to the ear
furthest away from the pace-
maker. For more information
consult your doctor.
Tones, music
and handsfree
talking are reproduced
through the loudspeaker. Do
not hold the phone to your
ear when it rings or when you
have switched on the hands-
free function. Otherwise you
risk serious permanent dam-
age to your hearing.
Only use original batteries
(100 % mercury-free) and –
charging devices. Otherwise
you risk serious damage to
health and property. For in-
stance, the battery may ex-
Small parts such as the SIM
card, dust cap, lens ring and
lens cap can be dismantled
and swallowed by small chil-
dren. The phone must there-
fore be stored out of the
reach of small children.
The mains voltage specified
on the power supply unit (V)
must not be exceeded. Other-
wise the charging device may
be destroyed.
The power supply must be
plugged into an easily accessi-
ble AC mains power socket
when charging the battery.
The only way to turn off the
charging device after charg-
ing the battery is to unplug it.
Do not use a handheld while
Permanent hearing loss may
occur if you use ear- or head-
phones at high volume.You
can adapt over time to a high-
er volume, which may sound
normal but can be damaging
to your hearing. Set your vol-
ume to a safe level. If you ex-
perience ringing in your ears,
reduce the volume or discon-
tinue use of your system.
Do not place the phone near
to electromagnetic data carri-
ers such as credit cards and
floppy disks. Information
stored on them could be lost.
You may only open the phone
to replace the battery (100 %
mercury-free) or SIM card.
You must not open the bat-
tery under any circumstances.
All other changes to this de-
vice are strictly prohibited and
will invalidate the guarantee.
AL21a, FCC am, 31.03.2006