AOP Operating Instructions – Issue 07/05
8.3 Multiple
Should more than one fault be reported by the connected inverter or networked
inverters the AOP has been designed to show all the fault messages.
This is accomplished by the display cycling through all the fault messages until
they have all be acknowledged or cleared.
For instructions on how to acknowledge the fault messages, see Section 9.1.
8.4 Multiple
Should more than one warning be reported by the connected inverter or
networked inverters the AOP has been designed to show all the warning
This is accomplished by the display cycling through all the warning messages
until the condition causing the warning message ceases to exist.
Simultaneous Faults and Warnings
Should a fault condition and a warning condition be reported by the connected
inverter or networked inverters the AOP has been designed to cycle through
both the fault messages and the warning messages.
The AOP will first show a fault message then a warning message separated by
a 2 second interval.
This cycle will continue until all fault and warning messages have been
displayed. The cycle will repeat itself until all fault messages have been either
acknowledge or clear and the conditions causing the warning messages have
ceased to exist.
For instructions on how to acknowledge the fault messages, see Section 9.1.
Inverter Fault Codes
When a fault occurs on the inverter(s) to which the AOP is connected, a fault
code is displayed with a description of the relevant fault.
For a complete list of fault codes, please refer to the appropriate Operating
Instructions for the inverter.
8.7 Inverter
When a fault occurs on the inverter(s) to which the AOP is connected, a warning
code is displayed with a description of the relevant warning.
For a complete list of warning codes, please refer to the appropriate Operating
Instructions for the inverter.
Inverter Fault/Warning record P0947
The diagnostic menu allows the user access to the recent fault history of an
inverter connected to the AOP. In master mode the inverter is identified by
means of a two-digit USS slave address.
For a full explanation of this please see Inverter Fault/Warnings record P0947 in
the Fault indication section.
The time display function of the AOP regarding fault history will
only be available if the AOP was connected to the inverter at the
time of the fault.
To access the diagnostic facilities of the AOP the following procedure should be