Copyright © Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved
ERTEC 200P-2 Manual
Technical data subject to change
Version 1.0
This is allowing us to grow and consolidate our business: we are developing key technical
product features more effectively than our competitors, and are facilitating the implemen-
tation of our technology in actual products. This is in turn acceptance on the part of end
users and device manufacturers.
As ERTEC 200P is the first ASIC to integrate the new performance measures, the rollout
date for PROFINET with performance improvements depends on the launch date for
Addressing known errors, achieving performance improvements and optimization, and
more efficient adjustment to I/O technological features are other equally important as-
pects to consider.
2.3 Description of Individual ERTEC 200P Blocks
The following sections go into more detail on the ERTEC 200P modules required:
Processor subsystem (ARM926, TCM, debug support, booting)
ML-AHB (internal bus system)
Access violations
PerIF (peripheral interface)
EMC (External Memory Controller)
XHIF (External Host Interface)
GDMA (Global DMA)
APB peripherals
SPI 1 – 2
UART 1 - 4
Timer 0-5
GPIOs 0…95
SCRB (System Control Register Block)
CRU (Clock Reset Unit)
2.3.1 Processor Subsystem (ARM926)
The subsystem used is an ARM926 subsystem based on an ARM9E-S processor. The
ARM926 subsystem is primarily for the application and non-runtime-critical routines of the
PN stack. Figure 12 shows the structure of the ARM926 subsystem. It consists of a core
system, the JTAG interface and a TCM_Block_926. Alongside the ARM926EJ-S proces-
sor, the core system contains a data and an instruction cache, a memory management
unit (MMU), separate connections to each AHB layer for instruction and data, an ETM9
() Trace Macrocell and an integrated trace buffer (ETB11). The tightly coupled
memories for data and instructions are located in TCM_Block_926. AHB access to D-
TCM is with a 'DMA-DTCM Access Controller'. I-TCM is only operated by ARM926EJ-S
and cannot be accessed by the AHB. ARM926EJ-S is described in detailed under /7/.