Folders and Dialogues
talk&surf V.6 / englisch / A31008-X100-B100-1-76D1 / Dialoge.fm / 17.09.2003
Door intercom
dialogue shows you the settings that have been made for the inter-
com. You can create a door call group, define call forwarding for the intercom and the
enter the type of the intercom.
The upper section of the tab shows you an overview of which intercoms are registered
with the analogue connection of your base station.
The first column,
, contains the internal number of the devices. The second column
shows you the
device name
, and the third its
. The fourth column contains the
device type
and the fifth whether the device is assigned to the
door call group
In the lower section, you can make the settings for the selected intercom.
Door call group
All the devices assigned to the door call group will ring when the intercom is called.
Door call forwarding to an external number
You can only select this option if you have selected a device of device type door intercom
in the device list. All the calls of the selected door intercom are redirected to the external
telephone number entered in the
Destination telephone number
field. For example,
you can redirect the door intercom to your mobile phone. The maximum length of the
destination telephone number is 32 digits.
Door type
A difference is made between two types of door openers. The type
Door intercom 1
a door opener with closed-circuit current,
Door intercom 2
an opener via DTMF control.
For DTMF you have to enter the following control codes:
Door opening code
call code
connection code
disconnect code
. When you first run the program, you
will see the default values.
You will find the Instructions for this topic in Chapter "Configuring door intercoms" on
The settings for a door intercom are only available if such an intercom is
registered with the analogue connection of your base station.