User manual
Services for IQHeat
Cetetherm has developed several services to be able to offer enhanced functionality for the substation.
Cetetherm works continuously on developing new functions and improving old ones, to simplify the handling of
IQHeat and provide the ability to monitor and optimise plants.
Good comfort and lower energy consumption can be combined and monitored using IQHeat.
Many functions are always included in an IQHeat. In addition to factors such as internal display, ModBus
communications, easy WEB and pump control, there are several other functions that come with the basic
Services related to an additional hardware or software and that can be ordered as an option.
Communication in the basic package for IQHeat is ModBus RTU, a modem port and a simple WEB. You can
also use ModBus IP through the WEB function.
This simple Web displays the same information as the operator panel on the controller. Possible to connect to
the Internet to monitor remotely. Option for OPC is available in this basic version of WEB.
12.1 Standard services
The following services are always included in IQHeat:
Reading the volume of the pulses and energy from thermal flow meters.
Limitation of the difference between the primary return and secondary return for heating.
Kr1 and Kr2 are handled separately if there are multiple circuits.
Limitation of return temperature on primary side. Set points set per season.
Selectable power or flow restrictor. Works best with M-Bus.
Automatic control of secondary pump for heating circuits with 0-10V to optimise cooling
on the secondary side. Only P1, Kr1, on IQHeat110 are predefined but they also work on P2, Kr2, if an
output is available.
12.2 Optional services
The following services require some form of hardware or special software to work, which are not included in the
basic version:
Advanced WEB function, with built-in web server. With a graphical interface across the
entire substation, and a simple overview of its functionality. No software requirements in addition to a
PC with a browser. Includes functions for E-mail and SMS alarms via TCP/IP (IQAlarm100).
Report of history 1-8 days in computer interface or by year in Excel tables.
A function for the presentation of monthly values, energy monitoring in the interface is also available.
IQReport is included when ordering Advanced WEB, IQWeb200.
* Short-time database for the last 2 hours for troubleshooting and controller setting.
Reading of measurement data from coolers/cold water/thermal flow meters via MBus
requires MBus in the meters to work.
The heating curve is affected to supply extra heat in severe wind conditions.
Contains a wind meter.
Alarm via separate modem which sends alarms to recipients via SMS. Requires extra
modem and mobile telephone subscription, and is needed if there is no TCP/ IP connection.
Means an additional hardware module for individual connections to BacNet and LON
networks. Allows monitoring in the SCADA system. Contact Cetetherm for options, data points, variable
lists, etc.
IQPump200 via ModBus:
Reading and setting the pumps.
Requires ModBus communication module.