The page contains the following boxes:
● WLAN Capture Mode
Specify the recording mode for the WLAN interface:
– Own Traffic
In this case, the frames are recorded that were received and sent by the device.
Exception: The frames dealt with directly by the hardware are not displayed, for example
hardware repetitions, acknowledgment frames.
– All Traffic
The access point sends no more frames but records all incoming frames.
No WLAN communication between access point and clients
If the setting "All Traffic" is used, the access point is no longer reachable for other nodes
and loses the connected clients.
● Activate after System Restart
– Disabled
After a restart the configuration is rest to the default settings.
– Enabled
The configuration is saved and retained after a restart.
Linking in the interface in Wireshark
● Wireshark V2.0.0 or higher is installed on the PC.
● The PC and device must be reachable via IP (layer 3).
To analyze the data traffic e.g. of the WLAN interface 1 in Wireshark, follow the steps below:
1. Activate the function "Remote Capture" on the device on the WLAN interface.
2. As the receive mode, select "Own Traffic".
3. Click "Set Values" to enable the function.
4. Start Wireshark.
5. Click "Options" in the "Capture" menu. The window "Wireshark - Capture Interfaces" opens.
6. Click the "Manage Interfaces..." button on the "Input" tab. In the following dialog, click on the
"Remote Interfaces" tab.
7. To add the interface click on the Plus character in the "Remote Interfaces" tab.
8. In the following dialog, enter the IPv4 address of the device for "Host" and 2002 for "Port".
9. Enable "Null authentication" for "Authentication" and click the "OK" button.
10.On the "Remote Interfaces" tab, the host and the interfaces on which the function "Remote
Capture" was previously enabled are displayed.
Configuring with Web Based Management
6.6 "Interfaces" menu
SCALANCE W1780/W1740 according to IEEE 802.11ac Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C485-03