● WPA(2) Pass Phrase Confirmation
Confirm the entered WPA(2) pass phrase.
● Default Key
Specify the WEP key used to encrypt the data. You define the WEP key on the "Keys" page.
1. To create a new security context, click the "Create" button.
2. Select the required security settings. The settings that are possible depend on the set
"Authentication Type".
3. Click the "Set Values" button.
AP Communication
Communications options
On this WBM page, you specify the type of communication allowed by the access point.
This WBM page is only available in access point mode.
Configuring with Web Based Management
6.10 "Security" menu
SCALANCE W1780/W1740 according to IEEE 802.11ac Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C485-03