Create a new user
1. Enter the name of the new user in the "User Name" input box.
2. Click the "Create" button. A new entry is generated in the table.
3. In "Group Name", select the group to which the new user will belong.
If the group has not yet been created, change to the "v3 Groups" page and make the settings
for this group.
4. If an authentication is necessary for the selected group, select the authentication algorithm
in "Authentication Protocol".
In the relevant input boxes, enter the authentication password and its confirmation.
5. If encryption was specified for the group, select the algorithm in "Privacy Protocol". In the
relevant input boxes, enter the encryption password and the confirmation.
6. Click the "Set Values" button.
Delete user
1. Enable "Select" in the row to be deleted.
Repeat this for all users you want to delete.
2. Click the "Delete" button. The entry is deleted.
System Time
There are different methods that can be used to set the system time of the device. Only one
method can be active at any one time.
If one method is activated, the previously activated method is automatically deactivated.
Configuring with Web Based Management
4.5 "System" menu
SCALANCE S615 Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C388-08