Identification & Maintenance
Identification and Maintenance data
This page contains information about device-specific vendor and maintenance data such as
the order number, serial number, version number etc. You cannot configure anything on this
Description of the displayed values
The table has the following rows:
● Manufacturer ID
Shows the manufacturer ID.
● Order ID
Shows the order ID.
● Serial Number
Shows the serial number.
● Hardware Revision
Shows the hardware version.
● Software Revision
Shows the software version.
● Revision Counter
Regardless of a version change, this box always displays the value "0".
● Revision Date
Date and time of the last revision
● Function tag
Shows the function tag (plant designation) of the device. The plant designation (HID) is
created during configuration of the device with HW Config of STEP 7.
Configuring with Web Based Management
4.4 "Information" menu
SCALANCE S615 Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C388-08