Configuring with Web Based Management
5.5 "System" menu
SCALANCE W760/W720 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2014, C79000-G8976-C350-03
From the relevant drop-down list, select the options of the slots / ports whose connection
status you want to monitor.
Click the "Set Values" button.
Settings for PROFINET IO
This page shows the PROFINET IO AR status and the device name.
Description of the displayed boxes
The page contains the following boxes:
PNIO AR Status
This box shows the status of the PROFINET IO connection; in other words whether the
device is connected to a PROFINET IO controller "Online " or "Offline".
Here, online means that a connection to a PROFINET IO controller exists, that this has
downloaded its configuration data to the device and that the device can send status data
to the PROFINET IO controller. In this status known as "in data exchange", the
parameters set with the PROFINET IO controller cannot be configured.
PNIO Name of Station
This box displays the PROFINET IO device name according to the configuration in HW
Config of STEP 7.