RF600 system planning
4.4 Minimum distances and maximum ranges
System Manual, 06/2019, J31069-D0171-U001-A22-7618
With the antenna types with linear polarization (RF620A and RF642A), the polarization axes
of the antenna and of the transponder must be aligned parallel to each other to achieve a
maximum range.
Reduction of the maximum read/write range when using linear antennas
If the alignment of the polarization axes of linear antennas (RF620A or RF642A) and
transponders is not parallel, this reduces the read/write range. The reduction in the range
depends on the angular deviation between the polarization axes of the antenna and the
polarization axis of the transponder. You will find further details in the section "Alignment of
transponders to the antenna (Page 257)" or "Alignment of transponders to the antenna
(Page 297)".
Adjustable RF680A antenna
Note that the antenna RF680A can be switched over. This means that you can set the
polarization axis of this antenna manually. Depending on the setting (circular or linear
horizontal or linear vertical) the antenna has the properties of a circular or linear antenna.
Possible transponder alignments depending on the antenna type
Circular antennas
To achieve the maximum read/write range with circular antennas, make sure that the planes
of the polarization axes have the same alignment. Changing the transponder angle within the
x-y plane has no effect on the range.
Circular antenna RF640A, RF650A, RF660A or RF680A
Figure 4-11 Possible transponder alignment with circular antennas