Programming via Rockwell controller
9.3 Project preparation
Configuration Manual, 03/2018, C79000-G8976-C386-06
Project preparation
Assigning parameters to the "Param_RF68xR" block
You first need to link the block "Param_RF68xR" into the project and create and assign the
relevant variables for the parameters "READER_CONFIGDATA" and "MSG_PARAM". With
the aid of the "Param_RF68xR" block, the configuration data is sent to the Ident system.
In addition to this, the block resets the required start values of the "HW_CONNECT"
variables for the 4 reader channels (read points).
Note that this block always needs to be executed first before other blocks can be executed.
The block must be executed each time the controller or reader is restarted.
Addressing the Ident devices
When working with all the instructions/blocks, you require the "IID_HW_CONNECT" data
type to address the reader. The data type "IID_HW_CONNECT" relates to a read
point/channel of the reader and is part of the data type "IID_DATA_RF68xR" for all 4
channels. Setting the command parameters for the Ident profile is handled by the Ident
blocks. The Ident profile and the "AdvancedCMD" block also require the
"IID_CMD_STRUCT" data type for the parameter assignment of the individual commands.
Depending on whether you work with the Ident profile or the Ident blocks, you need to link in
and assign parameters for these data types as described in the following sections.
Creating the block "Param_RF68xR"
Follow the steps below to create the "Param_RF68xR" block:
Drag the block from the "Controller Organizer" into the project.
Create a instance variable.
Create a global variable for the "CONFIGDATA" parameter.
The variable of the data type "IID_DATA_RF68xR". As an example for the following
description the variable is called "RF68xR_001_ConfigData".
Create a global variable for the "MSG_PARAM" parameter.