Service and maintenance
12.2 Error messages
Configuration Manual, 03/2018, C79000-G8976-C386-06
XML/PLC error messages
Note that if there are error messages, the error LED ("ER") of the reader flashes. You can
read the error using the XML or PLC error codes. As an alternative, you can also recognize
the error using the LED status display of the RF680R and RF685R readers as described in
the section "How the LED status display works (Page 289)".
The following table explains the XML/PLC error codes. Only the errors relevant to the RF600
readers are included in the PLC error codes (STEP 7). You can find all other error codes in
the corresponding Ident profile manual.
Table 12- 2 Error messages of the RF600 readers
PLC block
Error description
2 Hz
0xE1FE01 Cannot write to the memory of the transponder.
Transponder memory is defective.
Transponder EEPROM was written too frequently and has reached the end of its ser-
vice life.
2 Hz
0xE1FE02 Presence error
The transponder is no longer within the transmission window of the reader. The command
was not or only partially executed.
Read command: There is no valid data in "IDENT_DATA".
Write command: The transponder that has just left the antenna field contains an incomplete
data record.
Possible causes:
Operating distance between reader and transponder is not being maintained.
Configuration error: The data record to be processed is too large (in dynamic mode).
2 Hz
0xE1FE03 Address error
The address area of the transponder has been exceeded.
Possible causes:
Start address of the command start has been incorrectly set.
Wrong transponder type
The area to be written to is write-protected.
2 Hz
0x1A 0xE1FE0A The transponder is read/write-protected.
2 Hz
0xE1FE81 The transponder is not responding.
2 Hz
0xE1FE82 The transponder password is incorrect. Access is denied.
2 Hz
0xE1FE83 The verification of the written transponder data has failed.
2 Hz
0xE1FE84 General transponder error
2 Hz
0xE1FE85 The transponder has too little power to execute the command.
2 Hz
0xE2FE02 More transponders are located in the transmission window than can be processed at the
same time by the reader.
2 Hz
0xA1 0xE2FE81 There is no transponder with the required EPC-ID in the transmission window or there is no
transponder at all in the antenna field.
2 Hz
0xA2 0xE2FE82 The requested data is not available.
2 Hz
0xA3 0xE2FE83 The transponder signals a CRC error.