ET 200 Distributed I/O Station
EWA 4NEB 812 6087–02b
Baud rate, B-1
Bus, B-1
Bus connector, B-1
BUS FAULT LED, ET 200U(DP Standard),
“BUS–FAULT” LED, ET 200U(DP Standard/
Bus modules
installing, 3-5
number of modules which can be connected,
Bus node, B-1
Bus parameters for operation with the FMS
Bus protocol, 1-4
Bus segment, B-1
Bus unit, 8-12
bus unit (Crimp–snap–in), 8-13
technical specifications, 8-12, 8-13
Bus units
bus unit (SIGUT), 8-12
remove, 3-8
Cabinet installation, 3-9
CCI, 6-34
Chassis, B-1
Closed–loop control module IP 262, 9-44
addressing, 9-47
analog inputs, 9-44
analog outputs of the constant controller,
binary inputs, 9-45
binary output for the open–loop controller,
DDC operation, 9-47
function, 9-46
installation, 9-46
operating modes, 9-47
SPC operation, 9-47
technical specifications, 9-44
mode of IM 318–C, 6-4
requirements for operating an IM 318–C, 6-5
with an IM 318–C, 6-3
Communication link, 6-30, B-1
Communication reference, 6-33, B-1
Communications conforming to PROFIBUS
addressing, 9-3
function, 9-3
installation, 9-3
technical specifications, 9-2
typical application, 9-4
wiring, 9-3
Compensating box, 7-3
floating, 3-30
grounded, 3-26
nonfloating, 3-28
one tier, 3-3–3-11
ungrounded, 3-27
with power supply, 3-25
ET 200U(DP Siemens), 4-9
ET 200U(DP Standard), 5-9
ET 200U(DP Siemens), 4-4
ET 200U(DP Standard), 5-4
Connecting cable 712–8, 3-9
current sensor, 7-3, 7-6
resistance termometer, 7-10
thermocouple, 7-5
transducer, 7-8
voltage sensor, 7-3, 7-5
Control command, B-2
CONTROL function
ET 200U(DP Siemens), 4-23
ET 200U(DP Standard), 5-26
CONTROL with load circuit
ET 200U(DP Siemens), 4-23
ET 200U(DP Standard), 5-27