ET 200 Distributed I/O Station
EWA 4NEB 812 6087–02b
ET 200U(DP Standard/FMS)
“IM–FAULT” LED, 6-35
“RUN” LED, 6-35
coding the I/O Modules, 6-15–6-19
mode of the IM 318–C, 6-4
requirements for operating an IM 318–C, 6-5
Event, B-3
Event–Notification, 6-12
Example, of programming a link between an ET
200U(FMS) and a CP 5431 FMS, 6-36–6-42
several tiers, 3-9
slave station, already configured, 4-15, 5-18
Expanding at a later point, slave station, 4-15,
Features supported, 6-34
Field device, B-3
Floating, B-3
FMS, 1-5, 6-1–6-42, B-3
FMS inputs, “FMS inputs” object, 6-27
FMS master, B-3
FMS outputs, “FMS outputs” object, 6-28
FMS service, 6-11–6-12, B-3
Abort, 6-11
Acknowledge–Event–Notification, 6-12
Alter–Event–Condition–Monitoring, 6-12
Event–Notification, 6-12
Get–OV, 6-12
Identify, 6-12
Initiate, 6-11
Read, 6-12
Reject, 6-11
Status, 6-12
Write, 6-12
FMS slave, B-3
Function, CONTROL, 4-23, 5-26
General electrical configuration, 3-23
Get–OV, 6-12
Hardware, replacing, 3-2
Heat dissipation, 3-9
I/O bus, B-3
I/O bus speed, B-4
I/O module
installing, 3-6
plugging under load voltage, 3-2
pulling under load voltage, 3-2
remove, 3-7
swinging out, 3-7
I/O modules, Coding for the ET 200U(FMS),
Identify, 6-12
IM 315, 3-9
IM 316, 3-9
IM 318–B, 2-2
connecting to a PS 931 power supply
connecting to a PS 935 power supply
IM 318–B interface module, 8-3
Bus parameters for operation with the FMS
Combi–slave, 6-3
ET 200U with mixed configuration, 6-2
ET 200U(DP Standard), 6-2
ET 200U(FMS), 6-2
Modes, 6-2–6-7
Requirements for operating an IM 318–C,
Set station number, 6-8
Set switch 8, 6-8
Settings, 6-8
IM–FAULT LED, ET 200U(DP Standard), 5-29
“IM–FAULT” LED, ET 200U(DP Standard/
in the static object list, 6-13
of a slot, 6-13