4.3 Creating a STEP 7 project
Connecting SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC to the Technology-CPU
Product Information, 03/2008, A5E00272072-05
● Press the Options button and under the tab Constant Bus Cycle activate the check box
Activate constant bus cycle time.
Figure 4-4
Activating the equidistant bus cycle
● Enter the desired cycle time, e.g. 3ms in the Isochronous DP cycle field. Take the
possible cycle times for the particular motion control type from the following table:
DP cycle time
Motion Control
Motion Control Performance 2
1.5 ms
2 ms
3 ms
X: Possible setting
-: Setting not possible
The other described settings are all shown for a DP cycle of 3 ms.
You can also make the settings using the properties dialog boxes of the drives. The isochronous DP
cycle and the cycle time are then automatically activated or aligned.
Additional information regarding the settings for the DP cycle are provided in this product info in the
Chapters "Setting-up an axis" and "Connecting MASTERDRIVES MC to the Technology CPU".