Communication / SIMOLINK
6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AM) Siemens AG
Compendium Motion Control
The node with the address 5 (= transceiver interface) can "deposit" a
maximum of 8 x 32 bit data on the bus. This means that the transceiver
writes its data (32 bit in each case) in telegrams with address 5 and
channel numbers 0 to 7. All the active nodes on SIMOLINK (the
dispatcher as well as the transceivers) can decide whether they want to
read this data. If, for example, a node wants to read the data of node 5
(= address 5) with channel number 2, this has to be configured
accordingly. In this case, the address 5 and the channel number 2 have
to be configured as the "Reading address".
In the "Peer-to-peer" application with the dispatcher, only process data
(control and status words, setpoints and actual values) are transferred.
When using a data area in the telegram, in the case of process data
with word size (= 16 bit), two process data per telegram can also be
transferred or read.
All usable telegrams must be entered in the task table of the dispatcher.
Typical applications for SIMOLINK are the implementation of digital
setpoint cascades in which one or more setpoints can be given to the
slave drives by a MASTERDRIVES MC/VC unit acting as master drive.
Components of the peer-to-peer functionality
The SLB optional board (
) is used for linking drives to
Each SLB optional board is a node on SIMOLINK.
The optional board is provided with three LED displays which supply
information on the current operating status.
Fixing screw
Fixing screw
LED (red)
LED (green)
LED (yellow)
X470 external 24 V voltage supply
SIMOLINK output (light gray)
SIMOLINK input (dark gray)
Fig. 8.3-6
SLB optional board (SIMOLINK board)
The SLB optional board links the converters/inverters to SIMOLINK. It
can be used as the SIMOLINK dispatcher or as a SIMOLINK
transceiver. The functionality is determined by parameterization.
Data transfer
SLB optional board