Drive converter cabinet units
Operating Instructions, 07/07, A5E00288214A
Blocking protection, 403
Bypass with synchronizer with degree of
overlapping, 342
Bypass with synchronizer without degree of
overlapping, 344
Without synchronization, 346
Bypass function, 341
Cabinet anti-condensation heating (option L55), 76
Cabinet illumination with service socket (option
L50), 75
Cable Lengths, 52
CBE20, 90
Copy, 181
CDS (command data set), 177
Certificate of compliance with order, 15
Certification, 15
Changing the language, 230
Check list
Electrical installation, 42
Mechanical installation, 33
Circuit Breaker (Option L26), 73
Cleaning, 426
Closed-loop position control, 353
Closed-loop torque control, 287
Command data set, 177
Command Data Set, 177
Command sources
General information, 172
NAMUR, 191
PROFIdrive, 187
PROFIdrive NAMUR, 193
TM31 terminals, 189
Communication Board Ethernet CBE20 (option
G33), 90
Connection cross-sections, 52
Connection for External Auxiliary Equipment (Option
L19), 71
Connector input (CI), 183
Connector output (CO), 183
Control Interface Board
Frame size FX, replace, 442
Frame size GX, replacement, 444
Frame size HX, replacement, 446
Frame size JX, replace, 448
Control via PROFIBUS, 203
Control word 1, 207, 208
Customer terminal block, 60
Customer terminal block extension (option G61), 106
Data sets, 177
Data Sets, 177
Date of manufacture, 25
Copy, 181
DDS (drive data set), 178
Decrease Key, 232
Derating, 477
Derating behavior at increased pulse frequency, 336
Derating data, 477
Current derating as a function of the pulse
frequency, 479
Current derating as a function of the site altitude
and ambient temperature, 477
Voltage derating as a function of the site
altitude, 478
Diagnosis, 408
LEDs, 409
Parameters, 416
Digital inputs, 63, 64
Digital inputs/outputs, 66
Digital outputs, 299
Direction of rotation changeover, 261
Direction reversal, 333
Downloading the firmware (operator panel), 474
Drive data set, 178
Drive Data Set, 178
Drive objects, 175
Droop Function, 286
dV/dt filter with Voltage Peak Limiter (option L10), 67
EC declaration of conformity, 15
EC manufacturer's declaration, 15
EDS (encoder data set), 179
Efficiency optimization, 314
Electrical installation
Check list, 42
Electromagnetic compatibility
EMC compliant design, 50
Introduction, 48
Noise emissions, 48
Operational reliability and noise immunity, 48
EMERGENCY STOP Category 0 (Option L57), 77
EMERGENCY STOP Category 1 (Option L59), 78
EMERGENCY STOP Category 1 (Option L60), 79