7 VPN connection
Phase 1 timeout (seconds)
The Phase 1 timeout determines how long the SINAUT MD741-1 waits for
completion of an authentication process of the ISAKMP-SA. If the set timeout is
exceeded, the authentication will be aborted and restarted.
Here you change the timeout.
Phase 2 timeout (seconds)
The Phase 2 timeout determines how long the SINAUT MD741-1 waits for
completion of an authentication process of the IPsec-SA. If the set timeout is
exceeded, the authentication will be aborted and restarted.
Here you change the timeout.
Maximum number of connection establishment attempts up to restarting the VPN
If the establishment of a VPN connection fails, the connection setup will be retried
by the SINAUT MD741-1. Enter the number of unsuccessfull retries, being
performed before the SINAUT MD741-1 restart its VPN client before trying again
the connection setup.
Maximum number of connection establishment attempts after restarting the VPN
client until the next device restart
If the establishment of a VPN connection fails, the connection setup will be retried
by the SINAUT MD741-1. Enter the number of unsuccessfull retries, being
performed before the SINAUT MD741-1reboots and tries again the connection
DynDNS tracking
If the VPN gateway of the remote stations uses a DynDNS service to get an IP
address and no Dead Peer Detection is used, the SINAUT MD741-1 should
periodically check, if the remote VPN gateway is still reachable. The DynDNS
tracking function provides this function.
activates this function,
this function.
Interval for DynDNS tracking (minutes)
Configure here the interval it shall be checked, if the remote station is still