Remedy for 1-11
1. Check the control project, check MD11240 $MN_PROFIBUS_SDB_NUMBER, and reload it when using a user-specific
2. If the error still occurs, back up data, and restart the control with the standard values as per the as-delivered condition.
3. In case of correct ramp-up, reload the user data stage by stage.
4. If the error still occurs during ramp-up with standard values, reboot the system from the PC card or update the software.
5. If the error still occurs, replace the hardware.
Remedy for 20-21
1. Check/correct the addresses of the connected slaves/devices.
Remedy for 22
See SINAMICS warning 1903 for a description of the meaning behind the error codes.
1. Control the SDB
- Check the type and length of the message frame
- Match slot assignment with P978
2. Evaluate the drive alarms/warnings
Remedy for 23-24
1. Software replacement required
Remedy for 25
1. Change the message frame type
2. Reduce the number of slots
3. Reduce the number of slaves/devices
4. Create a new SDB
5. Software must be replaced
If the error has still not been able to be rectified after this procedure, send the error text to the control manufacturer.
Switch control OFF - ON.
PROFIBUS/PROFINET: Operating error, reason %1 parameter %2 %3 %4.
%1 = Cause of the error
%2 = Parameter 1
%3 = Parameter 2
%4 = Parameter 3
An operating error occurred on the PROFIBUS/PROFINET in cyclic mode.
Overview: Cause of the error, Par 1, Par 2, Par 3:
- 01 = unknown alarm, alarm class, logical address, --
- 02 = DPM cycle timeout, DPM actual value status, DPM setpoint value status, --
- 03 = DPM cycle status, DPM actual value status, DPM setpoint value status, DPM error code
- 04 = DPM cycle error, DPM actual value status, DPM setpoint value status, DPM error code
- 05 = Client not registered, client number, max. number of clients, --
- 06 = Synchronization error, number of sync violation, --, --
- 07 = Spinlock timeout, PLC spinlock, NCK spinlock, --
- 1000s digit of the error cause = number of the affected bus
- (Special case: Error causes in the 5000 range indicate problems with the NCU-LINK communication)
Alarm class: (see alarm 380 060)
The following can be primary causes:
- For error cause 01: Data transfer error on the PROFIBUS/PROFINET
- For error causes 02, 03, 04: Error in contents of SDB
- For error causes 02, 03, 04, 05, 07: Corruption of parts of system program
- For error cause 06: The PCI bus cycle does not match the expected rate, so synchronization is not possible. The correct
PCI bus cycle must be entered.
The error can also be caused by a hardware problem on the MCI module.
5.4 Drive alarms
Diagnostics Manual
Diagnostics Manual, 06/2015, 6FC5398-6DP10-0BA2