The generation of the PROFIBUS/PROFINET in the SDB does not conform to the configuration specifications of the NC
in use.
Overview: Cause of the error, par 1:
- 01 = SDB contains slave/device without diagnostics slot, slave/device address
- 02 = SDB contains too many slot entries, identifier
- 03 = SDB contains no equidistance data, no function
- 04 = PNIO: SDB contains different Tdp (also TDC) on one device
- 05 = PNIO: SDB contains different Tmapc (also CACF) on one device
- 06 = PNIO: SDB contains different TI on one device
- 07 = PNIO: SDB contains different TO on one device
- 08 = PNIO: SDB contains device numbers that are too high (with values higher than 126)
- 09 = SDB content transferred segmented (too many slots/frames)
- 10 = Not enough memory space for segmented SDB content (too many slots/frames)
- 11 = The telegram configured in the SDB is too short for the selected telegram acc. to $MN_DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE.
- 20 = SDB contains too many slaves/devices, quantity
- 21 = SDB missing or contains invalid data, error code
- 22 = SDB configuration data incorrect, slave/device address, error code
- 23 = Reserved
- 24 = Reserved
- 25 = Reserved
- 26 = Reserved
- 27 = Reserved
- 28 = Reserved
- 29 = Reserved
Channel not ready.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
Check that the corresponding SDB:
- Contains a diagnostic slot for every slave/device
- Contains only slave/device entries relevant to the application
In principle, it is possible to include a superset of slaves/devices in the SDB that are partially relevant for different end
versions of the product. However, this overloads the NC memory and runtime capacity and should, therefore, always be
If this alarm occurs, reduce the SDB to a minimum.
If the code for the error cause is 03, check that equidistance is activated in the SDB (e.g. using STEP 7 HW config).
If the code for the error cause is 10, reduce the number of slaves/slots on the bus concerned (e.g. using STEP 7 HW
If the alarm continues to occur, please send the error text to the control system manufacturer.
If the code for the error cause is 11, select a larger telegram as appropriate using STEP 7 HW config or
select a smaller telegram under $MN_DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE.
Switch control OFF - ON.
PROFIBUS/PROFINET: Multiple assignment of inputs on address %1
%1 = Logical address
Multiple assignments of input data have been detected in the logical address space. Logical address: Base address of the
address area defined several times
Channel not ready.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
5.4 Drive alarms
Diagnostics Manual
Diagnostics Manual, 06/2015, 6FC5398-6DP10-0BA2